Solo Exhibitions
Group Exhibitions (Selected)
Discussion (virtual) July 10: Bruce Dorfman, Mary Frank, Elliott Landy with Curator Tom Wolf.
( in conjunction with the University of Iowa Museum of Art ); January – June, 2015
( with lineage mentors: Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Vaclav Vytlacil, Will Barnet); Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, Art Students League of New York
Public Collections (Selected)
Private Collections
Awards and Grants (Selected)
Selected Original and Published Graphics
Teaching Positions, Lectures, Forums
Since 1964
Moderated by Dr. Ksenia Nouril, ASL Gallery Director and Curator.
Discussion (virtual): Bruce Dorfman, Mary Frank, Elliott Landy with Curator Tom Wolf.
Professional Affiliations and Positions
Bibliography (Selected)
Loonam JJ (editor), Instructors of The Art Students League of New York – Annual Catalog – Dedication in honor of 60 years of teaching at ASL. 2024.
Loonam, JJ (interviewer). The Art Students League – A Personal Memoir. Taken in commemoration of the 150 year League anniversay, and participation in the League 150th anniversay Gala at the Museum of Modern Art, NYC. 1 1/2 hours. November 2024.
Jones, Marshall, and Sophia Kayafas. Bruce Dorfman: Reflections on the Artist Life – Art Grind: Video Interview recorded at The Art Students League of New York. June 2024
Jones, Marshall, and Sophia Kayafas. Art Grind Podcast – Episode 114: Bruce Dorfman 7ndash; Recorded at The Art Students League of New York. June 2024.
Archives of American Art: Smithsonian Institute. Artist Interview (Interviewer: Stephanie Cassidy). September 2023.
The Art Students League of New York: League of Nations – Panel Discussion with Midori Moshimoto, Sue Williamson and Bruce Dorfman
Moderated by Dr. Ksenia Nouril, ASL Gallery Director and Curator, this panel discussion brings together perspectives on the League's Fall 2023 curated exhibition, "A League of Nations."
Cox, Emily. "High Tension: Kemper Museum Explores Tactile Realms With Tensile Strength Exhibit" - The Pitch, Culture News. Review.
Clement, Elizabeth: Hamptons Fine Art Fair, Bruce Dorfman, Featured Artist; September 2021; Reproduction.
Cassidy, Stephanie. "Artist Snapshot: Bruce Dorfman Exploring the mind and habits of an artist in twenty-five questions." Linea: Studio Notes from The Art Students League of NY.. Artist Interview.
Woodstock Artists Association & Museum> – Celebrating the Centennial: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Woodstock Artists Association, Part 2.
Discussion (virtual) July 10: Bruce Dorfman, Mary Frank, Elliott Landy with Curator Tom Wolf.
Woodstock Artists Association (2019). "Woodstock Artists Association: One Hundred Years of Community and Art" LaMotta, J., Wolf, T., Weber, B. & Jones, E.R. Woodstock Artists Association: Woodstock, NY. Dorfman, Bruce, p. 78, 139n17, 141-142n61; The Woodstock Poster, 64, 66, 77, 183.
Currie, Jenne M. "Woodstock Collects" (ex. cat., 'The Art Students League in Woodstock 1947–79') Reproduction. September 2019.
Lechter Frank, Robin. "The League of Masters, Past + Present". (ex. cat., The Gallery at 200 Lex). Produced by Incollect. Reproduction. September 2019.
Johnson, Simone. "More Than The Sum of Its Parts". The Riverdale Press, October 18, 2018.
"On the Cover – Bruce Dorfman on view at June Kelly Gallery, New York," Blouin Gallery Guide, October 2018. Cover. Reproductions. Article.
"Bruce Dorfman: Currents: Paintings in Combined Media 2016-2018"– MutualArt; October 2018.
Braff, Phyllis; C. L. Wysuph. "Bruce Dorfman: Currents: Paintings in Combined Media, 2016-2018." (ex. cat., June Kelly Gallery, NY). MagCloud, USA: 2018.
Russo, Jillian. "Bruce Dorfman: Inclusive Moments." (ex. cat., Gallery of the American Fine Arts Society, The Art Students League of New York, NY). MagCloud, USA: 2018.
The Brearly Singers Spring Concert, Brochure Cover ("Sung Red"), May 2018.
Rips, Michael. "An Interview of and by the League's New Director", Atelier: The Magazine of the Art Students League of New York, Spring 2018.
Russo, Jillian."Artistic Vanguard: The 1960s at The Art Students League", Atelier: The Magazine of the Art Students League of New York, Spring 2018. Reproduction.
Román, Dulce M. "A Singular Vision: Gifts from the Collection of August and L. Tommie Freundlich." Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida, Gainesville, 2017. Catalog – Reproduction ("Woman, Early Stripes, 1968").
"The June Kelly Gallery Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary With A Group Exhibition of Works by Gallery Artists", Art Daily, December 23, 2017. Reproduction.
Rodney, Seph. "Skill Wins Over Vision at the Art Students League Instructors' Exhibition", Hyperallergic, September 26, 2017.
"Bruce Dorfman, Past/Present: The Years 1988-2016," Monmouth University, 2017. Video produced by Simply Visual Productions.
"Bruce Dorfman, Past/Present, Lecture, Monmouth University", September 23, 2016. DVD.
Hoskins, Barney. "Small Town Talk" (Bob Dylan, Woodstock; See Index: pp. 20, 50, 77, 91, 166-169, 337. 2016.
Braff, Phyllis; Knauer, Scott; Mullarkey, Maureen. "Past Present: Paintings and Drawings, and Combined Media", 2016. Retrospective exhibition catalog.
Cassidy, Stephanie. "How Radical Individualism Has Fueled the Art of Bruce Dorfman: The Artist's Voice", Interview, Linea: Journal of the Art Students League of New York, December 19, 2016.
Cassidy, Stephanie. "Revelations from a Retrospective", Interview, Lines from the League: The Magazine of the Art Students League of New York, December, 2016.
Saito, Seiji. "Do You Know Yasuo Kuniyoshi?" Exhibition catalog. Tokyo, Japan, 2016. Photo.
JP. "The Critic's Notebook: Art", The New Criterion, October, 2016.
Micchelli, Thomas. "Art, Work and The Workaday", Hyperallergic, July 30, 2016.
Andrew, Jason. "Ways and Means: A New Look at Process and Materials in Art", July, 2016. Catalog. Repro.
Mullarkey, Maureen."Bruce Dorfman, Artist & Mentor", First Things, September, 2015. Repros.
Art Dealers Association of America (ADAA): "Inside Stories 12 Must-See Lower East Side and Soho Gallery Shows; Bruce Dorfman: Recent Work at June Kelly Gallery," September 25, 2015.
ARTnews: "9 Art Events to Attend in New York City This Week; Bruce Dorfman at June Kelly."; August 31, 2015
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, April 2, 2015; Video Interview for SAAM Online: in conjunction with exhibition, The Artistic Journey of Yasuo Kuniyoshi, April 3 – August, 2015
Lines from the League: "Bruce Dorfman-Artist and Influence; Celebrating 50 Years of Teaching at the Art Students League",Spring, 2014. PP. 23 – 32. Repros.
Russo, Jillian. "Curatorial Perspectives: Arnold Blanch." Lines from the League. Spring, 2014. P.21.
Catalogue of the Art Students League of New York, 2014 – 2015: "Bruce Dorfman; 50 Years Teaching at the League,"P.118. Repros.
Linea: Journal of The Art Students League of New York. Dialogues – "Bruce Dorfman: An Interview", May 7, 2013.
Cassidy, Stephanie R. and Koob, Pamela N. "A History in Art – A Timeline of The Art Students League of New York, 1875 – 2012", NY, NY, 2012.
Dorfman, Bruce. "The Studio Project/ How Artists Think." Linea: Journal of The Art Students League of New York, April 25, 2013.
Dorfman, Bruce. "Piero della Francesca in America." The Frick Collection, NY, NY, Linea: Journal of The Art Students League of New York, April 24, 2013.
McElhinney, James L. The Visual Language of Drawing (text, repros.). Sterling Publisher, New York, 2012.
Lindboe, Ole. "Rejsebrev fra New York: Kunsten har ojne og orer I hele byen/ Dorfman og materialernes kombination MAGASINETkunst. Copenhagen, Denmark: October, 2011. Repros.
Niner, Katy. "Color Speaks". Jackson Hole News & Guide. Jackson, WY., June 29, 2011.
Gladstone, Valerie. "Bruce Dorfman: Windsock: Paintings in Combined Media." CityArts. NY, NY: May, 2010.
Bingham, Dennis. "Whose Lives Are They Anyway?" Rutgers University Press. 2010.
Gladstone, Valerie. "Up Now, Reviews, New York, Bruce Dorfman." ARTnews. July/August 2008.
Braff, Phyllis. Bruce Dorfman: Propellor – Paintings in Combined Media. (ex. cat., Kouros Gallery, NY). Open Studios Press. Boston, MA; Canada: 2008.
TV Tokyo. Interview. "Bino Kyojintachi." Giants of Art. Tokyo, Japan: September 2007.
Fitter, Jenny. "The Object of One’s Collection." PineStaw. Southern Pines, NC: August 2007, p.20.
Treitler, Edwin. "Remembrance of Things Past." The Artful Mind. Great Barrington, MA: October 2006.
Murray, Michael P. "State of the Art." Monmouth Arts Council, NJ: March/April 2006, P. 9.
Glueck, Grace. "Exhibits on the Art Students League Anniversary." The New York Times: NY, NY: September 10, 2005.
Cotter, Holland. "Critic’s Notebook; A School’s Colorful Patina". The New York Times: NY, NY: September 9, 2005.
Goodman, Jonathan. Bruce Dorfman: Working in the Present Tense (ex. cat.). NY, NY: Kouros Gallery, 2005.
Williamson, Nigel. The Rough Guide to Bob Dylan. London, UK: Rough Guides Ltd., 2004, p. 75.
"New York Notebook." Gallery & Studio. NY, NY: January 2004, p. 22. "Dorfman at Kouros Gallery." The Segye Times. Seoul, Korea: May 19, 2003.
Berkowitz, Natalie. "Bruce Dorfman: An Artist’s Artist." The Commuter. New Jersey: April 2003.
Koob, Pamela. "Interview with Bruce Dorfman." Process (ex. cat.). NY, NY: The Art Students League of New York, 2003.
Kunstmuseum Wolfsberg. Gary Hill: Selected Works: Catalogue Raisonné. Koln: Dumont, 2002.
Rush, Michael. "A Resumé of Surfing and Philosophy as Well as Art." The New York Times. NY, NY: Sept. 14, 2002, p. 2.31.
Koob, Pamela. "An Interview with Bruce Dorfman at the Art Students League." Linea: Journal of The Art Students League of New York. New York: Fall 2001, Vol. 5. No. 2.
Ozawa, Ritsuko T. Kuniyoshi Museum Newsletter. Okayama, Japan: December 2001, No. 19.
Periz, Ingrid. "Bruce Dorfman at Reece." ARTNews. NY, NY: July/August 2001.
Rowlands, Penelope. "Gary Hill’s Hall of Mirrors." ARTNews. NY, NY: May 2001, No. 100, p. 176-179.
Sounes, Howard. Down the Highway: The Life of Bob Dylan. NY, NY: Grove Press, 2001.
Yektai, Darius. "Dorfman at Koener." Southhampton Press. Southhampton, NY: August 2, 2001.
Cover Repro: Gallery Guide, Art Now, New York; Bruce Dorfman at Reece Galleries: March 2001.
Editorial: Gallery Guide, Art Now, New York; On The Cover, Bruce Dorfman at Reece Galleries; March 2001, p. 9. Repro.
Henry, Gerrit. "Bruce Dorfman at Reece." Art in America. NY, NY: May 2000, No. 88, p. 169.
Murray, Michael P. "Paint and Politics." ArtsEditor. Boston, MA: 2000.
"New Acquisitions." Skirball Museum Bulletin. Los Angeles, CA: Skirball Musuem, 2000.
Steiner, Raymond J. The League in Woodstock. Woodstock, NY: Woodstock Artists Association, 2000.
Braff, Phyllis. "Bruce Dorfman: Cues from Materials, Size and Experience." The New York Times. NY, NY: Aug. 8, 1999, p. LI12.
Henry, Gerrit. Artist/Mentors. NY, NY: Denise Bibro Fine Arts, 1999.
Messer, David. Bruce Dorfman: Assemblage Paintings (ex. cat). Brussels, Belgium: Le Bateau Fou, 1999.
Mullarkey, Maureen. "Artists/Mentors." Review Magazine. NY, NY: April 15, 1999, p. 15-17.
Ozawa, Ritsuko T. Kuniyoshi Museum Newsletter. Okayama, Japan: December 1999.
Ozawa, Ritsuko T. Kuniyoshi Museum Newsletter. Okayama, Japan: June 1999.
Price, Alan. Hazelton Standard-Speaker. Hazelton, PA: May 2, 1999, p. E-4.
Seckel, Cornelia. "Culturally Speaking." ART TIMES. Woodstock, NY: October 1999.
"Dorfman at Koener Gallery." The Southampton Press. Southhampton, NY: October 21, 1999.
Wysuph, C. L. Bruce Dorfman: Assemblage Paintings (ex. cat). Brussels, Belgium: Le Bateau Fou, 1999.
Wysuph, C. L. "Bruce Dorfman." 5. NY, NY: Axis Gallery, 1999.
Berkowitz, N. "Dorfman in San Francisco." Leisure Magazine. San Francisco, CA: December 1998, p. 21.
"Datebook." San Fransisco Examiner & Chronical. San Francisco, CA: December 13, 1998. p. 24.
Druey, Monique Priscille. Tribune Des Arts. Geneva, Switzerland: March 1998, No. 259.
Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK). Interview. Tokyo, Japan: August 1998.
Pardee, Hearne. "Bruce Dorfman." ARTNews. NY, NY: October 1998, p. 146.
Wysuph, C.L. Bruce Dorfman. San Francisco, CA: J.J. Brookings Gallery, 1998.
"Art in NY." Apodemon Epos Magazine. Athens, Greece: 1997, No. 4.
Dorfman, Bruce. "Choices." Linea: Publication of The Art Students League of New York. NY, NY: Spring 1997.
"International Art Scene." Japan Art Pictorial. Tokyo, Japan: 1997, No. 13.
Zevitas, Stephen T. New American Painting. Wellesley, MA: Open Studios Press, 1997.
Kong, Younghee. "Current Trends in the New York Art Market." GaNa-Art Magazine. Seoul, Korea: May/June 1996.
Howe, E. Ruth. Meeting the Challenge: The Hazleton Art League Story. Hazleton, PA: 1996.
Messer, David. Bruce Dorfman (ex. cat.). Paramus, NJ: The Bergen Museum, 1996.
Minaja, Virginia. "Concluye Visita de Bruce Dorfman." El Universal. Caracas, Venezuela: September 23, 1996.
Minaja, Virginia. Liga de art de Nueva York beneficia al Frederico Brandt." El Universal. Caracas, Venezuela: Sept. 13, 1996.
Kong, Younghee. "Bruce Dorfman’s Art: The Korean Dimension." Korean Daily News and Chosun Ilbo. New York and Seoul, Korea, January 1995.
Henry, Gerrit. "Bruce Dorfman at Hal Katzen," Art in America. NY, NY: January 1995, p 107.
Katz, Lois and Martha Scott. The Searle Collection of Contemporary Art. Chicago, IL: Searle, 1995.
Kong, Younghee. "Interview with Bruce Dorfman." Wolgan Misool. Seoul, Korea: May 1995.
Messer, David. Introduction to Bruce Dorfman: Stonechime Images (ex. cat.). Bergen, NJ: Bergen Museum of Art, 1995.
Park, Young-Gil. Bruce Dorfman (ex. cat). NY, NY: Korean Cultural Service, Gallery Korea, April 1995.
Tansug, Sezer. Bruce Dorfman (ex. cat.). Istanbul, Turkey: 1995.
Yoon, HeeYoung. "American Artist Bruce Dorfman." The Chosun Daily News. Seoul, Korea: February 3, 1995.
Brihay, Jules. Les Primieres Pas D’une Collection…(ex. cat.). Mons, Belgium: Museum des Beaux-Arts, 1994.
Brommer, Gerald. Collage Techniques. NY, NY: Watson-Guptill, 1994.
Bruce, Chris. Gary Hill (ex. cat.). NY, NY: Guggenheim Museum SoHo and Seattle, WA: Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, 1994.
Korea Broadcast System, KBC-TV 53. Interview. "Bruce Dorfman’s Canvas…A Vision." NY, NY: June 1994.
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna. Gary Hill. Amsterdam, Netherlands: 1994.
Moorman, Margaret. "Bruce Dorfman at Hal Katzen." ARTNews. NY, NY: September 1994, No. 93, p. 174.
Região, Sul. "Escola Internacional de Arte." Loulé, Portugal: July 29, 1993, p. 6.
"Review." Twin-Boro News. New Jersey: September 8, 1993, p. 25.
"The Artist Speaks." The Korea Times. NY, NY: September 26, 1990.
Eauclaire, Sally. The SantaFean Magazine. Santa Fe, NM: April 1990.
Enders, Alexandra. "Space Shapers: Contemporary Artists Structure Their Past and Document the Present." Art & Antiques Magazine. NY, NY: May 1990.
Henry, Gerrit. Bruce Dorfman: Paintings and Collages, 1989-1990 (ex. cat.). Washington, D.C.: Arts East Foundation, 1990.
Campbell, Lawrence. "Color Coordinates." Art in America. NY, NY: September 1989, No. 77, p. 188-193.
Artists Talk on Art, NY, NY. February 1989. The Education of an Artist. Moderated by George McClancy, with speakers Bruce Dorfman, Eric Fischl, Alan Hacklin, David Pease, and Ursula Von Rydingsvard.
"Juried Exhibition." Hazelton Standard-Speaker. Hazelton, PA: March 29, 1988.
Artist Talk on Art, NY, NY. March 1988. Aesthetics/Ethics: Exploring the Effects of Art in Ethical Terms. Moderated by Bruce Dorfman, with speakers Ko, Sabra Moore, Geno Rodriguez, Miriam Schapiro, and Terry Fugate-Wilcox.
Katz, Lois. Bruce Dorfman: Nightsongs and Placefields (ex. cat.). Washington, D.C.: Arts East Foundation, 1988.
"Show Spans World." The Virginia Gazette. Williamsburg, VA: October 19, 1988.
Dorfman, Bruce. Korea in America: 6 Artists. New Milford, NJ: Art Center of Northern New Jersey, 1987.
Greenberg, Blue. "Duke Show ‘Participatory Philanthropy.’" Durham Morning Herald. Durham, NC: June 19, 1987.
Kenety, William H. Collector’s Choice (ex. cat.). Washington, D.C.: National Association of Private Art Foundations, 1987.
Lerner, Renee. "Interview with Bruce Dorfman." The Visual Arts Review. Englewood, NJ: October 1986.
"Four Aspects Show Breadth and Richness." Newark Star-Ledger. Newark, NJ: October 1986.
Henry, Gerrit. "Bruce Dorfman at Arras." ARTNews. NY, NY: January 1983.
Isaacs, Florence. "Bruce Dorfman at New School." The Woodstock Times. Woodstock, NY: May 1981.
27th Annual Invitational Exhibition: UJA-FJP (ex. cat.). NY, NY: Sotheby Park Bernet, 1980.
Sakel, Sassona. "Bruce Dorfman; Space of Illusion and Reality." ArtSpeak. NY, NY: April 9,1980.
60 Years of Collecting American Art: The Permanent Collection. Youngstown, OH: Butler Institute of American Art, 1979.
"Building a Mural." Poughkeepsie Journal. Poughkeepsie, NY: August 15, 1978.
Shirey, David L. "Nightmares and Lullabies." The New York Times. NY, NY: January 2, 1977, p. 252.
"Bruce Dorfman at Firehouse Gallery." The Long Island Press. Long Island, NY: December 12, 1976.
Markoff, Sol. "Patience: Bruce Dorfman – Artist, Poet, Teacher." Seventeen Grains of Sand. NY, NY: The Print Center, Inc., 1976.
LaFarge, Henry. "Bruce Dorfman at Kennedy." ARTNews. NY, NY: March 1972, p. 14.
Bruce Dorfman (ex. cat.). NY, NY: Kennedy Galleries, 1972.
"Eye on New York: Squared Circle." The Art Gallery. NY, NY: February 1972.
Midyear Show (ex. cat.). Youngstown, OH: Butler Institute of American Art, 1972.
Morgenstern, Joseph. Bruce Dorfman: Women (ex. cat.). NY, NY: Kennedy Galleries, 1972.
"Visiting Artist Bruce Dorfman." Syracuse University Record. Syracuse, NY: October 20, 1972.
"Dorfman Exhibits in Puerto Rico." Kingston Daily Freeman. Kingston, NY: February 13, 1971.
Roulston, A.H. "The Culture Vultures." The Spartanburg Journal. South Carolina: October 20, 1971.
Professionals Who Teach (ex. cat.). NY, NY: New York City Cultural Center, Gallery of Modern Art, 1969.
Haberlen, Richard. Drawing Above the Pennsylvania Line (ex. cat.). Binghamton, NY: Roberson Center for the Arts, 1968.
Budke, Denis. Modern Painting from the Commerce Trust Company Collection (ex. cat.). Lawrence, KS: Museum of Art, 1967.
Canaday, John. "Bruce Dorfman at Krasner Gallery." The New York Times. NY, NY: October 14, 1967, p. 23.
Dorfman, Bruce. Color Mixing. NY, NY: Grosset and Dunlap, 1967.
Tucker, Marcia. "Reviews and Previews." ARTNews. NY, NY: October 1967, No. 66, p. 12.
Harold, Margaret. "Prize Winning Paintings." Allied Publications: 1964.
"Prize Art to World’s Fair." The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: April 3, 1964.
Reno, Doris. "Dorfman at Rudolph Galleries." The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: December 11, 1964.
LaReau, M. "On Gallery Walls." Fort Lauderdale News. Fort Lauderdale, FL: April 7, 1963.
LaReau, M. "On Gallery Walls." Fort Lauderdale News. Fort Lauderdale, FL: March 24, 1963.
O’Doherty, Brian. "Bruce Dorfman at Price Gallery." The New York Times. NY, NY: April 6, 1962, p. 29.
Preston, Stuart. "Art: National Academy: Show Opens, Prizes Awarded." The New York Times. NY, NY: Feb. 22, 1962, p. 23.
Edgar, Natalie. "Reviews and Previews: New Names This Month." ARTNews. NY, NY: December 1960, No. 59, p. 18.
Smith, Lawrence. "In the Galleries." Arts Magazine. New York: December 1960.
"Winners at Des Moines Art Center." Des Moines Register. Des Moines, IA: April 14, 1957.
Preston, Stuart. "Up in Massachusetts." The New York Times. NY, NY: August 21, 1955.